Hella FF75 Install Guide

How to install the Hella FF75 Housings

Until it gets completed, please visit Brian's install page (this page will be a c/c of it...) by following the following link: http://camaroz28.cardomain.com/memberpage/268472/4

This is just one way to install the FF75's, and it seems to be the most popular.  Thanks to silver97z (Brian White) for the pics.

The cheapest place to get these was Advance Auto Parts.  They were 58.99 plus tax for a pair - wiring harness, mounting brackets, and bulbs included - but, I haven't seen them there the past few times I have looked.  But, they are on eBay quite a bit now, and you can get them for a good price there too.

Click any photo for a larger view!

FIRST OFF - Disconnect the battery - just so you don't kill yourself.

Step 1

Start by removing the old headlights.
First unscrew the two Torx (T15) Screws (yellow) and then pull the left side out and slide the right side out of the bracket (red).

...Step 1 ...












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